Morristown Family Law Firm Blog
Retirement: Planning for Your Alimony Payments
In today’s day and age, it can be difficult enough to retire without added financial concerns such as how you will be able to afford retirement while still making regular
Marital Agreements and Child Custody
Marital agreements, like prenuptial agreements, postnuptial agreements, and non-marital agreements, can be great ways for couples to more clearly define their responsibilities to one another and their individual rights, both
New Jersey Considers Making 50/50 Child Custody the “Default” Award
A recent Washington Post article reports that more than 20 States in the U.S. (including New Jersey) are considering passing laws which would make equally shared physical and legal custody
The Fine Line Between Divorce Negotiation and Divorce Litigation
Even though our Morristown divorce and family law firm focuses on providing constructive and creative solutions to our clients’ divorces and family law matters, it is important to remember that
Keeping Your Divorce Amicable
While not every divorce can be resolved without at least some amount of litigation (having to argue and decide aspects of your divorce in a court room), the more you
Leaving Your Home During Divorce
One of our Morris County divorce clients’ most common concerns is what will happen if they leave the marital home during their divorce. Even in the most amicable of circumstances,
Child’s Best Interest Standard Applied to Transgender Name Change Suit
Any time a New Jersey or Morris County court rules on any legal matter involving children, judges apply what is known as the “best interest standard” in order to determine
Financial Support for Unmarried Couples, NJ Palimony Laws
In a fascinating 2011 survey conducted by the Pew Research Center, it was found that, at the time, only 51% of all adults in the United States were married. Compared
The Disadvantages of Mediation
Our firm, and the content on our website, spends a great deal of time discussing the many benefits that Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) methods have to offer in relation to