Morristown Family Law Firm Blog
What types of mediation are available during the family law process?
What types of mediation are available during the family law process? The mediation process becomes an option for couples that want to have a smoother process in terms of communication
If the ADR is neutral why do I need a lawyer?
If the ADR or Mediation is neutral why do I need a lawyer? Our Co-founder, Sarah J. Jacobs, talks about the role of the attorney in the Alternative Dispute Resolution
What factors does the court consider when determining a custody case?
As family law attorneys, some of the most frequent—and often the most pressing—questions we get involve child custody and parenting time. More specifically, we’re often asked how the court weighs
The Signs of Parental Alienation and Using the Law to Fight Back
Morristown Parental Alienation Attorneys: Are you being undermined? Parental alienation is the often silent and ugly hidden face of divorce. Put plainly; parental alienation is when one parent consciously or
Marital vs Separate Property: Equitable Distribution Factors
Morris County NJ Property Division Divorce Attorneys Protect Your Assets New Jersey follows the equitable distribution model, with all its nuances. This is another reason to have a skilled divorce
Use of Experts in NJ Divorce Proceedings
Use of Experts in Divorce Proceedings Morristown NJ Attorneys With nearly 20 years of experience, and certified by the Supreme Court of New Jersey as a Matrimonial Law Attorney and
Child Support & Alimony Payments During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Morris County NJ Child Support and Alimony Attorneys during COVID-19 Pandemic The goal of any well-written parenting time agreement is to account for many potential future factors or issues With
How a Family-Owned Business Can Be Handled During Divorce in New Jersey
When divorcing someone you share a family-owned business with, it’s common to have lots of questions. Do you have to divide the family business? Will you—or can you—continue running the
How Can I Prove That My Spouse Is Hiding Assets During Divorce?
This might sound counterintuitive, but the more transparent and communicative the divorce process, the better the outcomes for both parties. When information is shared openly, it’s easier to come to