Thank you for tuning in to today´s episode of “Just Because”. Last week Jaime talked about the hit sensation on Netflix “Tidying Up” and how to declutter your life so you’re left with things that only bring you joy and serve you. I´m here today to talk about the concept of what to do with the things that you are left with after you´ve done that decluttering process. I think is very important that for any client that´s considering the concept of divorce or navigating the very difficult issue of restructuring your family that you sit down, talk about those priorities with your yourself or with other pertinent family members and map out your goals in doing so, you might want to put together a vision board, where do you see yourself in one year, three years, five years, ten years down the line. Once you´ve got an opportunity to really crystallize what you want your life to be like, we here at Jacobs Berger are ready to help partner with you to make those visions happen. We will work with you to make sure that you can put together the strategic and important steps now to solidify that future in the process. Thanks for tuning in and we hope to look forward and seeing you next week.
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