Thank you for tuning in for this first edition of “Just Because”. I want to talk today about my newest obsession which is the “Tidying Up Show” on Netflix. It is by Marie Kondo, she is a best-selling author who has focused on decluttering your physical space and really only holding on to the things in your life that give you joy and her words are they have to spark joy in you. And I´ve been thinking about that and how it can help and pertains to clients who are considering going through divorce. It is a very difficult decision to make and not one that comes without a lot of emotional turmoil for people and it sometimes involves letting go of a relationship ideal that you may have had and the attorneys here and the staff here are ready to help those clients who admit that difficult decision about moving forward in their life and finding happiness. So stay tuned for upcoming episodes where we will talk about other things and we look forward to seeing you soon.
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