Morristown Family Law Firm Blog
I am Generation Equality: #EqualforEqual & Multigenerational Female Empowerment
International Women´s Day 2020: An Equal World is an Enabled World. Jacobs Berger Family Law Attorneys across Morris County and Northern New Jersey joins this celebration and women’s achievement Sunday,
Can Alimony Be Increased or Decreased?
In situations where one party faces major changes to their finances, alimony may come into play for couples. Alimony is typically awarded in divorce to ensure that a non-monied spouse
Can Changes Be Made to My Divorce Agreement After the Fact?
Divorce is a significant life transition, but life continues to evolve even after the paperwork is finalized. As life changes, these adjustments can sometimes be in conflict with, or are
Marriage Counseling and Couples Therapy – Timing is Everything
Marriage Counseling and Couples Therapy Attorneys Morristown NJ Marriage counseling can help couples improve their relationship by recognizing and resolving conflicts. The effectiveness of marriage counseling or couples therapy is
New Year’s Resolution: Divorce!
Contemplating Divorce in 2020 – Family Law Attorneys Morristown NJ One or both partners set resolutions, and if the marriage has been on the rocks, there may be the intention
Divorcing a Narcissist? Here are Some Things to Consider
Divorcing a Narcissist in Morris County Family Court If you are in the process of legal separation from a narcissist, seek the support of an experienced attorney, so you can
Parenting-time Mediation: Effective Approaches to Fair & Sensibly Crafted Solutions
Parenting-time Mediation Attorneys Morris County and Northern New Jersey An attorney can be involved in two ways: as a mediation attorney or as independent counsel during the mediation process. Mediation
Supplemental Child Support for High Net Worth Parents Whose Income Exceeds NJ Support Guidelines
Supplemental Child Support for High Net Worth Parents in Morris County NJ In a divorce or dissolution of a legal relationship involving young children, it is critical to determine child custody
Telling the Kids You Are Getting Divorced
Morristown Divorce Lawyers Discuss Talking to Your Kids about Divorce The process of divorce is difficult for all involved, but the emotional repercussions of separation can be especially hard on