If you are considering divorce, you are likely already experiencing a number of challenges and emotions that come with ending a marriage. You may be angry, upset, scared about your future, and overwhelmed by the complexity of the legal process.
While this can be a very difficult time in any person’s life, it may be of some comfort to know that you do not have to start addressing these matters inside the courthouse walls. You may be able – and in fact encouraged – to pursue mediation as an alternative, or a compliment, to the litigation process. In this post, we will look at some reasons why mediation could be the right path for you.
- Mediation can be a much more amicable way of parting ways. Judges are always encouraging parties to take control of their own lives, and that they will be much happier with the end result of their divorce if the litigants themselves decide the terms rather than leaving their lives in the hands of the Court. Instead of trying to prove who is right or wrong in front of a Judge, in mediation, spouses can express themselves and their concerns in the presence of a trained mediator who can help the two individuals make their own decisions. This is important as Judges make decisions based on the law and statutory factors, whch may not be in line with the desires of either party. Through mediation, parties can make decisions that better fit their particular circumstances. Parties can attend mediation with or without their own lawyers, customizing the process to what each party needs to help reach resolution.
- Mediation can also be more cost- and time-efficient. With mediation, you have the potential to address key issues in a timely manner without the need for court appearances, which can be, over time, a mounting expense. If you mediate, you can more efficiently resolve your issues over a shorter period of time and on a schedule that works best for you and your spouse’s needs, potentially saving money in the long run.
- Finally, a mediated divorce can prove to be much easier for spouses who have children together. Parents are tied to each other forever through their children. Ending your divorce on as good a note as possible will do wonders for the relationship you and your ex must maintain while you continue to raise your children together, even though you’re no longer married to one another.
Mediation is not a one-size-fits-all solution, but the benefits described above certainly warrant deep consideration if this process is right for you and your spouse. If you have questions about mediating your divorce, contact Jacobs Berger, LLC, today. All attorneys are available to attend mediation with you or review an Agreement reached in mediation prior to execution, and Sarah J. Jacobs, Esq., is Qualified as a Family Law Mediator.